Not getting photos you think should be coming in? Don’t worry - continue scrolling and follow the step-by-step instructions to find out why. Please note, the steps vary slightly between the app and website.
1. Ensure your camera is active on your account.
If you haven’t activated your camera please click HERE for that process. Once activated, you should see the camera listed when tapping the Devices tab at the bottom of your gallery page.
2. Check the last connection time and date.
Your camera is required to check in at least once every 25 hours as long as it is on and has sufficient battery life and signal. If your camera stopped sending pictures, and it has been MORE than 25 hours since the last time the camera checked in, then you will need to restart the camera to re-establish the connection.
3. Ensure there are photos available on your plan.
If your picture allotment has been maxed out then you will stop receiving them until either your plan’s monthly cycle resets, you upgrade your plan, or purchase additional pictures. See below for how to view your picture count from the app.
4. Ensure you billing is up to date.
From your app's gallery page, your account information can be found by tapping your account menu (3 bars in the top left), then tap Credit Card Information.
5. Ensure your signal is good.
While your camera can and will transmit with a low signal, it can also be the reason your camera loses its connection. If your camera loses connection and is unable to re-connect on its own within 25 hours of its last connection, then refer to STEP TWO above and you will need to reboot the camera to re-establish the connection.
Pro Tip:
When mounting or re-mounting your camera, get pictures uploaded from several locations, even if moving a few feet. Once your camera connects from the new location, check the camera's signal strength, then repeat as necessary to find the best area. Try and find the spot that provides you with the strongest signal and the least amount of potential interference.
6. Check your camera's battery life.
Small surges of power are required to transmit photos. If your battery life is on the lower end be sure to replace them. Keep in mind, your camera's status is based on its last connection. If your camera hasn't connected in more than 25 hours, the signal and battery could have changed significantly, for a variety of reasons, depending on how long since its last connection.
7. Ensure you don't have a gallery search filter enabled.
Double-check the search filters on your gallery page and reset them if necessary. If you have search parameters selected in your gallery, then you will only see pictures from those parameters. To clear the search filter, be sure and select Clear and then Apply. The red filter bubble should disappear.
8. Check your camera's settings and upload frequency.
For example, if your upload frequency is set to 1/Day, then you will only be receiving picture uploads one time per 24 hours. See below for how to find that setting option from the app.
9. Refresh you app.
Slide your thumb down your phone’s screen from the gallery page (or any page) to refresh. This will help pull down any pictures recently taken if they are available and update any camera information that might have recently changed, like your camera's recent activity. Or, if viewing from, simply click ‘Filters’ and then click ‘Reset’.
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