Get ready to view pictures from your living room, truck or even at work! For best results, continue scrolling and follow these tips for mounting your traditional trail camera & field modem, or watch our short video below.
1. Position the camera facing North or South.
The sun can cause false triggers with east or west camera placement. North is best.
2. Mount the camera parallel to the terrain.
Ensure your camera is mounted parallel to the terrain. This will maximize your camera's field of view and prevent any potential blind spots.
3. Point the camera at a 45-degree angle.
Position your camera at a 45-degree angle to a trail, allowing more time for an animal to trigger the camera's sensors for a photo. Never place a camera directly across from a trail because it will leave less time for your camera to photograph a fast-moving deer or other object.
4. Place the camera roughly 20-30 feet from your target area.
This distance helps provide good lighting for a clear photo of the entire target.
5. Place camera 2-5 feet off the ground.
Mount your camera to a stand or a strong tree that won’t sway. Ensure the camera is mounted at the body mass level of the animals you are targeting. As shown in example below, roughly 4ft high for deer and 2ft high for Turkey.
6. Aim the camera level to optimize the trigger range.
Place the camera so that the target is in the center of your field of view vertically to ensure the camera triggers up to its full distance range. Mounting your camera too high and pointing at the ground will limit the camera's detection range and can dilute the image quality. Ensure your camera is as level as possible to the terrain.
7. Clear vegetation from in front of the camera.
Remove grass, foliage, small limbs and twigs away from the camera’s view to avoid getting unwanted pictures of moving vegetation.
Watch Our Video
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