Your Moultrie Trail Camera takes impressive photos of wildlife in the great outdoors. Should you start seeing black night photos, or pink daytime photos, it’s time for an infrared (IR) filter reset.
Examples of blacked out and pink pictures:
1. Confirm Your Batteries and SD Card
The first step to seeing clearer photos is to confirm you are using Moultrie recommended batteries and SD Card. Low or defective batteries can result in dark pictures due to the weak flash.
2. Perform an IR Filter Reset
- Make sure your Moultrie recommended batteries and SD card are inserted into your camera.
- Ensure your camera is set up with your desired settings.
- Ensure your camera is in the ON position and ready to take photos.
- Take your camera into a completely dark room.
- Walk or wave in front of the camera so it takes a picture.
- Turn on the lights and trigger your camera to take another picture.
- Repeat this process 6 to 8 times in a row.
- Your IR filter is now reset, and better photos should be on the way.
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